Wigan and Leigh Hospice is a registered charity serving people across Wigan Borough who have been diagnosed with an illness which is no longer curable. They believe passionately in providing care suited to every patient’s unique needs. Every day, 365 days a year, they aim to offer a supportive, caring approach to everyone who uses their services.
Last year The Hospital Saturday Fund awarded a grant towards the cost of new syringe drivers for their in-patient unit and we were very happy to receive the following update:
As you will be aware, syringe drivers are an incredibly important part of the medical picture when it comes to effectively managing pain, and administering other key medications. Some of our patients attend the IPU for a short stay to receive treatment, but many are palliative; both require effective pain management and other forms of intravenous care.
It has become even more important during 2020 to ensure a syringe pump stays with the same patient, to minimise risk of infection by cross contamination. As such, additional pumps have been key to ensuring patient safety, especially as we reintroduce visits and therefore need to effectively manage potential outside sources of infection.
Thank you once again for supporting the work that we do; it has never been more valuable.
Lorraine Wheeler, Grants and Trusts Lead Officer
To find out more about the Hospice, please visit their website at https://www.wlh.org.uk/
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