The Action Group was founded in 1976 by a group of parents and carers, supported by the local authority, who sought to campaign and improve services for their loved ones with learning disabilities and other support needs.
The Action Group offer support and advice to over 1700 children, young people and adults across East Central Scotland.
Their vision is that families caring for a person with a learning disability and individuals who have a learning disability and other support needs
- Encounter no barriers to their chosen lifestyle
- Can follow a path of choice, and
- Can enrich their opportunities
HearMe project
Together with other charitable organisations, The Hospital Saturday Fund supported The HearMe project – a bespoke counselling service which has been running since January 2020 using a fully accredited practitioner who has extensive experience of working with people with support needs.
The counsellor is using Talking Mats as a way to help people to express their thoughts, feelings and choices in the counselling setting.
So far..
The Action Group has systems in place to help them check if this service is making a difference so they can learn from this and report back to the funders. All of this is anonymous. People have been very positive about the service since it started, showing perhaps that there was a real need for it.
The future
The Action Group aim to raise more funding so that they can continue to offer this service to those who are already benefitting from it, as well as others currently on their waiting list.
For more information on The Action Group and the help they offer, please visit https://actiongroup.org.uk/
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