On 23rd of May Paul Jackson, HSF Group CEO, John Greenwood, HSF Chair and Dave Thomas, had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for €15,000 to The Malta Trust Foundation towards their Sunrise Project – A Mental Health Home Support Service in Gozo.
Prior to visiting Gozo, the Malta board had the pleasure of meeting Her Excellency, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, the Founder of the Foundation, who passionately spoke about the Foundation and all the projects it supports.
The project in Gozo is a mental health community-based project to assist Gozitan people suffering from mental health difficulties to lead an independent quality of life in their own homes. This service reaches out to people who would otherwise find it difficult to go to hospital for support because of the associated stigma. This service also assists service users to manage their lives in their own environment and to reduce admissions into hospital.
They met Sarah Bondin, Rachel Portelli, Centre Manager and Monique Caruana, Sunrise Project Manager who explained the outreach project and the positive impact it was having within the Gozo community.
Funding from HSF will allow The Malta Trust Foundation to increase its capacity in order to be able to reach out to another 30 individuals who have requested this service and deal with more complex cases that require the assistance of more specialised services.
The Malta Trust Foundation (TMTF) was established by Her Excellency, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca in 2015, with a specific purpose to develop initiatives that support young people and communities that are facing particular challenges and who are at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
The Foundation (TMTF) brings together academics, psychosocial professionals, the business community and civil society organisations with the aim of delivering a tangible impact in gaps within existing services. The Foundation seeks to support vulnerable communities through initiatives that are both educational and empowering in aiding individuals reach their full potential, with an emphasis on projects of a psychosocial nature.
The Malta Trust Foundation does not receive any funds from Government and projects are funded through corporate social responsibility (CSR) partnerships with the business community. Their partners are The Mental Health Association Gozo, The National Mental Health services and The Psychiatric and the social work department at the Gozo general hospital.
Ana Vega
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