This year, The Hospital Saturday Fund will be one of the champions involved in the The Big Give.
The Big Give Christmas Challenge is the UK’s biggest online match funding campaign. It has raised millions of pounds for UK charities and is an exciting opportunity for people to double their donations to the causes they care about most. We have chosen 26 charities to ‘champion’.
One donation, double the impact.
The Big Give is a matched donation scheme which means every £1 given to one of our chosen charities (below) via our special page The Hospital Saturday Fund – The Big Give will be worth £2 to the charity. Donations can only be accepted between midday on 1st December 2020 and midday on 8th December 2020.
Spotlight – Meningitis Now

Creative therapies for children
About Meningitis
Meningitis can affect anyone, of any age. It can kill within hours and for those who survive, the physical and emotional aftermath can be devastating and lifelong.
About Meningitis Now
Meningitis Now is the only charity dedicated to fighting meningitis in the UK. Over their 30 year history, they have invested over £12m in early stage research that has played a critical part in the introduction of five life-saving vaccines.
The Big Give project – Rebuilding futures after meningitis – Target – £4,000
The Rebuilding Futures Fund eases the financial and practical burdens that meningitis leaves behind. The fund will help pay for items and services that will improve the physical and emotional wellbeing of people affected by meningitis. This may include, for example, specialist equipment, disability aids, rehabilitation costs, training, therapies such as acupuncture, counselling, creative therapies for children, home adaptations, travel costs associated with medical appointments and funeral costs.
Tell us about your previous experience with The Big Give? How are you planning to reach your £4,000 target?
We took part in the 2018 and the 2011 Christmas Challenge – our pledges were from Trustees and Major Donors. We have a strong social media following, with over 88k likes on Facebook, 16.2k followers on Twitter and 7.6k followers on Instagram. The majority have a personal connection to meningitis. We will use real-life stories to resonate with our supporters about how their support will make a positive difference. With this in mind, we will promote the campaign via social media, launching on Giving Tuesday. Continue campaign promotion throughout the 7-day matched funding period and email our wonderful supporters with a donation ask. Finally, we will create several press releases, engaging traditional media with a hope to spread our campaign message far and wide.
The Hospital Saturday Fund, along with the charity’s pledgers, have provided Match Funds of £2,000. This means that the first £2,000 raised by Meningitis Now during The Big Give will immediately be doubled, letting the charity reach their £4,000 target by raising £2,000. Find links to the other charities being championed below.
The list of charities we are championing for The Big Give:
Spotlight – Nottinghamshire Hospice

If the target is achieved, the Big Give funding will fund a palliative care nurse for a year
About Nottinghamshire Hospice
Nottinghamshire Hospice helps adults with a terminal or life-limiting illness live as well as possible in their last year of life by providing free care, counselling and wellbeing activities plus support for their families and carers.
They provide round-the-clock end-of-life care for patients in their own homes in the last weeks, days and hours of their lives, and support carers and family members before and after bereavement.
The Big Give project – Grant wishes of the dying & protect our NHS – Target – £40,000
The Big Give funding would fund a palliative care nurse for a year. During the Coronavirus pandemic, the care provided by the hospice has been more important than ever. It has allowed patients to stay at home at the end of their lives, keeping hospital beds free for Covid patients and taking pressure off the NHS. The care provided by Nottinghamshire Hospice continues to allow them to do this and supports their families and carers when they need it most.
The Hospital Saturday Fund, along with the charity’s pledgers, have provided Match Funds of £20,000. This means that the first £20,000 raised by Nottinghamshire Hospice during The Big Give will immediately be doubled, letting the charity reach their £40,000 target by raising £20,000. Find links to the other charities being championed below.
The list of charities we are championing for The Big Give:
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