Late last year, The Hospital Saturday Fund provided a grant of €13,000 to Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind. This amount went towards purchasing a range of vital equipment used for supporting brood volunteers and puppies. Later on, we were given the honour of naming a puppy from one of the new litters, who is now known as “Uhtred”. Today, in his own words, Uhtred the puppy has given us an adorable June 2021 “pupdate” on how he is settling in at home with his new Puppy Raisers (PRs).

My PR (Puppy Raiser) encourages me to try the water!
Hi all,
Time has been flying and tons have happened since my last update in March and so thought I’d keep you up to speed.
The Vet is now referring to me as a “Big Lad” due to my fighting weight of 28kilos. My food allowance has increased to 400gms plus treats, and you would think this was time for celebration, but nope the mealtimes are reduced from three times daily to twice daily. A side effect of this is an upset tummy which are also rectifying with a pre-bedtime snack.

Meeting up with Ulrich and Umo.
On much brighter news, I have been meeting up with tons of other Irish Guide Dog puppies. What luck my bro Ulrich lives near me, and we meet up regularly. I love him and have special bond as were together when babies. We have off lead gallops in the woods – divine.
Ulrich’s PR has been teaching us to “recall” with whistle and treat. Umo, our other brother also lives near, and we have popped along to the local park for a run around. Irish Guide Dog puppy in training, Winter, is also a local and we sometimes get to meet up.
The walking and lead business has improved tremendously, not saying I’m totally tuned into the whole head lead thing but am giving it my best shot. Between that and a little more focus, we are managing to get about 5K in with stops and starts reducing as time goes on. The shops are a little confusing with so much going on and as I’m a social fella, want to stop and have chats will all and sundry. On good days we sit and nod very pleasantly at other road/shop users, some with dogs and other times I dive straight in with the tail wagging away. Frances, our Irish Guide Dog liaison is feeling happy about me also. Separately, I’ve been thinking of writing to some shop owners or even the Council, no wonder I’m prone to the odd throw up, as the rubbish left on the streets is making me sick. I’d like to request fillet steak or nice piece of chicken please.
Don’t sign me up for any aqua sports – I’m not a fan in any shape or format of water. We tried the beach routine, and the PRs came in swim suits thinking they would be under the waves with me – not a chance can’t even
stand getting washed. My lack of water intake in warm weather is bothering the Hil person PR, so she made ice cubes with treats in the centre, thinking on a boiling hot day I’d lick away and gain water intake. I do no such thing and leave the cubes to evaporate in the sun and then swipe the secret goodie. Speaking of licking I got a present of a doggie lick matt from my aunty Mo who herself has two shih tzu’s (Jackson & Michael) and both love these things and word was I would spend many an hour savouring whatever had been spread on the new mat. The reality was it lasted 5 mins flat and then I started to eat the actual mat.
I’ve been on my holiers to Dalkey for few days. The lovely Trish welcomed me with open arms and kept in touch with my PRs and sent photo of me on Killiney Hill – what a view. I had an idea something different was going down on the trip in the car as my favourite toy, blankey and food bowl were coming with us. Note to self – not a good sign.
Big test last week to ascertain my social skills and if to check if I had any hidden Hannibal Lecter tendencies. Granny’s birthday and so family day in the garden which included two little adorable babies, Oscar and Max. Once I got over the excitement by having a good sniff at everyone and everything, I was only on the lead for a short period and then total calmness – to be fair there were lots of special treats to keep me distracted.
I’m 7 months old now and am going to bed like a big boy. My crate is still there with the door open if I want to nip in and out, but otherwise we have two other beds around the kitchen and landing, the idea being that with the recent heat, I could cool off and mooch about. I generally sleep all night.
Finally, its confirmed, I’m definitely Irish…I have been in the boozer and loved it. The place was hopping, a footie match was on the big screen, lads were roaring, trays of creamy pints were being paraded past, cheerful waitresses carrying massive plates of food all wanted to say hi. I was ecstatic for the five mins I was allowed in to drop off flowers to my aunty Lou. It is my uncle Glen’s local, and he told me after that my visit gained him kudos and a cautionary word of warning on any planned return is to avoid being near the dart board!
Love Uhtred.
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