Michael and Lynn
Exeter Leukaemia Fund’s new ELF@Home service equips volunteers to support patients in their own homes. Thanks to the Hospital Saturday Fund, it can support people like Michael:
Michael was introduced to Lynn in May 2017.
Lynn visits Michael once a week for a few hours, and is providing practical help, emotional support and companionship. Michael has always been a very independent man who thought he’d never need to rely on the support of others. He has however, been ill for some time now and he gets lonely. He has blood transfusions every 2 weeks and his mobility is poor.
Lynn makes Michael a weekly homemade meal ; they go shopping together; and Lynn has helped Michael apply successfully for a blue badge so that when she takes him shopping there are fewer difficulties. They enjoy chatting and she helps around the house. Michael says:
“The world would be a better place if there were more Lynns in it.”
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