How Are We Funded?

HSF Health Plan, the trading company of The Hospital Saturday Fund

We are funded mainly through HSF Health Plan, a health plan available throughout the UK, Ireland and Malta.

The profits from the sales of the health plan are given straight to the charity. Although we do not actively fundraise, we do benefit from occasional bequests and the Gift Aid allowance, but the main source of income is from the health plan. This makes all our contributors not only beneficiaries of the most generous health benefit on the market but also contributors to the great work the charity does in the community.

There are currently around 105,000 HSF Health Plan policyholders from all parts of the United Kingdom and Ireland. When family members are added the real figure is in excess of 300,000. The Head Office is in London, and the Irish office is in Ennis (County Clare).

Health plan - Family Direct

If you would like more information on our health plans, please visit our trading company website HSF Health Plan.